A new study from an industry advocacy group in California examines the content of dozens of unregulated intoxicating “hemp” products that are easily available in the Golden State despite being banned by state law.
The study, entitled “The Great Hemp Hoax,” was released February 13th by the San Diego/Imperial Counties Joint Labor Management Cannabis Committee — made up of representatives of UFCW Local 135, and local companies March & Ash and Embarc. Its provocative kicker states: “Much of what’s sold as ‘hemp’ today isn’t hemp at all — it’s a mix of synthetic intoxicants and illicit THC masquerading as a legal, natural product.”
The report’s lead author is Tiffany Devitt of Groundwork Holdings, Inc., the parent company of March & Ash and CannaCraft. For the study, Infinite Chemical Analysis Labs of San Diego tested 104 products marketed as “hemp” — mostly chewable gummies and vapes — that were purchased online from 68 brands. These include well-known names like Cookies, Cheech and Chong, Cali Extrax, Dome Wrecker, Torch, and Cake.
The study’s findings indicate that many so-called hemp products are infused with synthetic psychoactive cannabinoids, which can actually make users feel loopier than natural Delta-9 THC. What’s more, synthesized Delta-9 THC is present in many of these products, despite being prohibited in both California’s cannabis and hemp programs. And finally, these products, mostly vended through websites, are effectively dodging the taxman — raising no revenues for state or local governments.
“Hemp“ Not Really Hemp
Speaking in a Feb. 12 online press conference, Devitt stated: “We’ve been watching the hemp industry emerge, and it’s exploded into a marketplace of highly intoxicating products. The real head-scratcher for us is that hemp is actually a really inefficient plant from which to make naturally psychoactive products.”