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HempTalk - Business Blogs and Press Releases
Global Hemp Industry Business News Articles and Press Releases.
CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids show promise for treating neurodegeneration and improving cognitive function.
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Cannabis is now legal in New York City, but smoking it could be lethal if you’re black, poor and on parole.
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New studies explore the analgesic effects of cannabis in migraine sufferers and the potential roles of THC, terpenes, and inflammation.
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While some cannabis studies show therapeutic benefits and some show harms, others show no effects at all.
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A deluge of lab-synthesized CBD isolates, favored by regulators, will devastate hemp CBD commerce by undercutting the need for plant-derived, single-molecule cannabinoids.. But it could also create new opportunities for artisanal cannabis product-makers, who craft full-spectrum THC/CBD mixtures with unique qualities that can never be fully replicated in a lab.
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Cannabis therapies have produced positive results for a wide range of mental health conditions, including stuttering, dementia, and social isolation.
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Project CBD speaks with Dr. Ethan Russo about Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, an enigmatic medical condition.
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ValidCare seeks volunteers for the final phase of expanded clinical study of CBD’s effect on the liver.
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CBD and other plant cannabinoids show promising effects in the treatment of symptoms related to autism spectrum disorder.
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During the 1950s, LSD therapy showed great promise of treating the “spiritual disease” of alcoholism.
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Scientists are studying the therapeutic potential of psilocybin, the magic mushroom compound, for severe phantom limb pain.
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Cannabis is a safe and effective way to manage the complex symptoms of ehlers-danlos syndrome, a painful connective tissue disorder.
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Cannabis industry proponents denounce caps on THC levels as a phobic response rooted in the flawed assumptions of prohibition.
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Our endocannabinoid system functions better when we exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet.
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Pet doctors have launched the Veterinary Cannabis Society to advocate for legal access and safe product standards for cannabis and its derivatives as veterinary medicine.
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