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Hemp Macramé Plant Hangers

Hemp macramé plant hangers are a popular and stylish way to display plants, bringing a touch of bohemian and natural aesthetics to indoor spaces. Here's a simple guide on how to make a basic hemp macramé plant hanger:

Materials Needed:
  • Hemp cord or rope (approximately 4 times the length you want your hanger to be)
  • A small plant pot with a potted plant
  • Scissors
  • S-hook or a metal ring for hanging
Instructions:Step 1: Cut Hemp Cord
  1. Cut four equal lengths of hemp cord, each about four times the desired length of your plant hanger. Adjust the length based on your preference and the height of the location where you'll hang the plant.
Step 2: Fold and Attach
  1. Fold the four cords in half and attach them to the S-hook or metal ring using a lark's head knot. This knot is made by folding the cords in half, placing the folded end through the ring, and pulling the loose ends through the folded loop.
Step 3: Separate Cords
  1. Separate the cords into pairs. You should have eight individual cords to work with.
Step 4: Square Knots (Top Section)
  1. Create a square knot for the top section:
    • Take the two outer cords from one pair and cross them over the center cords.
    • Then, bring the right cord under the center cords and up through the loop on the left side.
    • Pull it tight. Repeat, but this time start with the left outer cord.
Step 5: Square Knots (Body)
  1. Continue making square knots with the paired cords below the first set of knots. You can repeat this pattern for the length you desire.
Step 6: Gather and Secure
  1. Gather all eight cords at the bottom and tie a tight overhand knot to secure the body of the plant hanger.
Step 7: Separate into Pairs
  1. Separate the cords into pairs again for the lower section.
Step 8: Square Knots (Lower Section)
  1. Repeat the square knot pattern for the lower section. You can either create additional square knots or experiment with other knot variations.
Step 9: Finish and Trim
  1. Gather all eight cords at the bottom and tie a final overhand knot. Trim any excess cord below the knot.
Step 10: Place the Pot
  1. Place your potted plant into the macramé hanger, adjusting the knots as needed to ensure the pot sits securely.
Step 11: Hang and Adjust
  1. Hang the plant hanger using the S-hook or metal ring. Adjust the knots as necessary to ensure the plant hangs evenly.

Feel free to customize your hemp macramé plant hanger by adding beads, using different knot patterns, or incorporating colored hemp cord. Once you get the hang of the basic knots, you can experiment with various designs to create a unique and personalized plant hanger. 

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